In Home Yoga

Yoga in the Privacy of Your Own Home
Personal Training        Yoga        Pilates

Your yoga teacher knows your habitual body patterns well. Sometimes better than you do.


She knows your left shoulder hikes up higher than the right in Warrior 2. She knows sometimes your left big toe cramps when you do Downward Dog. She knows your mind loves to focus on that 10 o’clock management meeting whenever it has the chance. She knows a little bit of silence can lead your brain down a rabbit hole of thoughts.
The good news is, she also knows exactly how to un-kink, un-cramp and un-ravel almost anything you bring to the mat on any given day. And the more you un-kink your body, the more your mind will un-kink too.
We teach yoga one-on-one, as ancient yogis did, to give you a chance to explore each asana (posture) as it is in YOUR body. And even deeper, to help you discover a keen sense of awareness in your mind.


Yoga and Mediation has many benefits,  
both physical and mental:

* Calms the nervous system by focusing the mind
* Reduces stress & anxiety
* Simultaneously creates strength & flexibility
* Improves agility & balance
* Increases bodily awareness & confidence
* Creates space in the mind so you can have mental clarity & more focus

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Top Photo Model: Alyssa Mann